Magento not working on PHP 5.3
For those who have noticed this error
Fatal error: Method Varien_Object::__tostring() cannot take arguments in /magento/lib/Varien/Object.php
when trying to install Magento on PHP 5.3, do not fear, here is the fix:
File: /lib/Varien/Object.php (Line 484)
Change from
public function ___toString(array $arrAttributes = array(), $valueSeparator=’,')
To this
public function __invoke(array $arrAttributes = array(), $valueSeparator=’,')
File /app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Request/Http.php (Line 274)
Change from
$host = split(’:', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
To this
$host = explode(’:', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
... and for those who are just seeing a blank page while trying to install... just set display_errors to on and error_reporting to E_ALL or look for your log files